Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Did these on the tablet. Lots of little swoopy lines and then I morphed them further in illustrator. The top picture is something I'm going to incorporate into a collaborative piece with my peers. It is of a city scape and we want to look beyond objects and create things inside of them, hidden objects, textures, etc. We also want to somehow involve hands so I used some scans of my hands to create some of the patterns. I am going to use that piece to fill the bark of a tree. And the last one I don't even know... it's a little crazy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Artist Nádia Duvall


Putting together this blog made me notice that I really love all of these amorphous ethereal shapes. These just look genius to me. The artist is Nádia Duvall. She experiments with dipping films into ink and then working with the textures. She calls this a "second skin" process. It's pretty cool when you think about every object that exists in life having this outer layer wrapped over it. When you draw you have to think about constructing what the outer layer of an object would look like based on its general structure. It is interesting to work backwards from that. Check it out here or here.